Last minute holiday gift idea: cloth napkins!

Hi there! There’s less than a week until Christmas! Do you have all your shopping and/or gift making done? If you are looking for a last minute homemade gift idea that is quick, easy, cheap and sure to please, you might think about whipping up some cloth napkins as gifts. They are great because you can pick out a fun…

Guest Post by Kate: Cold Process Soap Tutorial

I am proud to announce, that here to kick of the holiday season, with an amazing and inspiring tutorial on soap making, is guest blogger, Kate Baker! Fun fact, Kate is the sister of Rake and Make logo designer, Chip Baker. Talented family! Thanks Kate for this post! I totally want to try this now. Or I might just try…

Go-Go Garter Stitch Scarf

Learning how to knit has been on my list of things I want to learn for a long time. I learned to crochet on a school trip to Italy in 2001. There was a yarn store right by our flat, so I bought a crochet hook and some yarn and a classmate taught me whatever the basic crochet stitch is.…

Putting my garden to bed

It’s been raining like crazy (even for Seattle), so I hadn’t gotten out in the yard in awhile. The dead pole beans, wilted eggplants and red, cracked jalapeños had been haunting me every time I pulled into the driveway, so I finally got out there last weekend. It was a super foggy morning, but it wasn’t raining and the forecast was…

Thanksgiving Recipe Ideas

I might be stirring shit up by saying this, but I am not a fan of many traditional Thanksgiving side dishes. I’m sure some people love the canned candied yams topped with melted marshmellows, the green beans with cream of mushroom soup and the crunchy dried onions on top. I know I have heard a friend or two confess that…

Mission Accomplished: Sauerkraut!

I did it! I overcame my inability to grow cabbage AND ended up with a successful, delicious batch of sauerkraut! And it only took me eight months! Maybe I just needed to be patient, because my cabbage actually headed up this year. I started the seeds indoors in March and transplanted them out in May. I’m estimating that the biggest…

Introducing Wyatt and his new dog bed!

This post is double awesome, because not only do I get to show off something I made, but it gives me an excuse to introduce our new puppy, Wyatt, and talk a little bit about where he came from and how we got him. Wyatt’s a “Georgia Peach” puppy, meaning we adopted him from a puppy rescue that some of my…

Matt’s apron

Matt’s been asking me to make him an apron ever since he bought me my sewing machine (last Christmas). Everytime I finish a project, he says, “Are you going to make me my apron next?”.  I have been making stuff for myself… and everyone besides Matt. Once I finished Declan’s hat, I knew I better put Matt’s apron in the…

Huck Finn Cap

I am welcoming the end of gardening season, because it means that I don’t have to feel bad about staying inside and sewing now! My first sewing project in a while was for my friend’s kid, Declan, who just turned two. For his birthday, I decided to make him the Huck Finn Cap by Sew Liberated. I bought the pattern and…

Braiding Garlic

Okay, so I harvested my garlic about a month ago. Curing only takes about 2-3 weeks, so my garlic is sure to be well cured by now. Now it’s time for braiding! One quick note before we begin. I learned a lesson about curing garlic this year. In past years, I have always hung my garlic on string to cure.…