Guest Post: Flower on Nettle Foraging

follow site We are so fortunate in Seattle to have a wonderful array of urban parks, where just a jaunt across town can immerse you into a natural setting that makes you feel a million miles away from the city. With the tip off of a friend, we found ourselves at one of these parks on a beautiful Spring day, foraging for…

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Airstream Cushion Covers When my friend Ali, owner of the amazing Idol Airstream Salon, asked me to sew cushion covers for her salon, that (like the name suggests) resides in an Airstream trailer in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle, I said hell yeah! I have long had an affinity for Airstreams and thought at one point that I would someday own one myself.…

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February Cook the Books: Asian Dumplings Once again, I thought it may not happen. I thought I might run out of time to cook from February’s Cook the Books cookbook, Asian Dumplings by Andrea Nguyen. Luckily, Flower came to the rescue, took the reigns, offered to host, picked out all the recipes and bought all the ingredients. She’s sweet like that. All I had to do was show up… and…

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Happy Birthday Rake and Make… and Goals for 2013! Well, I did it. My first post was on February 19th, 2012, so Rake and Make is one year old as of today. This will be my 53rd post, which means I met my goal of posting an average of once a week! I recapped 2012 in another post, so I won’t go into that again. Instead, I’d like to take…


Blogcademy Scholarship Entry I really, really, really want to go to this blogging workshop in March, called the Blogcademy. Some of you have probably heard me talk about it on Facebook. It’s two days in Portland and is taught by some of my favorite bloggers, Gala Darling of, Kat Williams of Rock n’ Roll Bride and Shauna Haider of Nubby Twiglet. These ladies…

Wild and Free Wristbands

follow link My second knitting project ever! These were actually belated Christmas presents for some girlfriends of mine that have lovingly become known as “wild and free” (vs. “tamed and tied down” like the rest of us). Meaning, they’re spontaneous and do cool shit like go to France on a whim, sip tequila in fake eyelashes and have impromptu dance parties. They’re…


Dairy-free “Buttermilk” Banana Nut Waffles Ahh… waffles. I’ve never been a lover of pancakes, but I am certainly a waffle convert now. It all started with the waffles Matt’s mom always makes us when we visit his family in Vermont. The smell of waffles now evokes memories of cozy holidays and relaxing vacations in a picturesque environment. So it was only fitting that Matt’s folks…

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Sparkly Striped Cowl Neck Renfrew Top I haven’t been sewing as much as I had hoped to this Winter, but I did manage to whip up another Sewaholic Renfrew Top. This is my second Renfrew top that I have made. I blogged about the first one I made here. I said I would make this pattern again and I meant it! I found the fabric at Pacific…

Cook the Books: Chicken Breasts Diable, Crumb-Coated Broccoli and Cheesy Rice with Spinach In my last post, I mentioned that something I have been looking forward to is Meg of Grow and Resist and Oh Briggsy‘s Cook the Books Cookbook Challenge. They are co-hosting a year long cookbook challenge, where they pick a cookbook a month to cook from. I love blog challenges and they sold me on it with their amazing, interesting and…

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2012 Year in Review So I had plans for the some blog posts that I just haven’t had a chance to get around to, such as post about my lovely Renfrew cowl neck shirt that I made to wear to holiday parties (and did wear…a lot). I will do a full post later, but here are a couple of photos in the meantime. I…

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