A Gray Ribbed Scarf for Mother’s Day

https://yplocal.us/vzd3fhv With my mom being so sick this past year, it has been a roller coaster ride of a year. My mother has proven to be one tough cookie though. She had a rough go over the winter. As a result of the liver disease, she had pneumonia twice and several bouts of hepatic encephalopathy, where she was confused, sometimes to the…


Baby Shower on a Budget!

source I’d never been a part of planning a baby shower before, so when I was recently asked to help with decorations for one, I turned to Pinterest for inspiration. Pinterest is great for party planning, as you can make a “secret board” that only people you invite can see. This way, I could pin inspiration to “Traci’s Baby Shower”, invite the…


Goat Cheese Making: Homemade Chèvre

enter One of my goals for 2013 was to make cheese. I am lactose intolerant, but have found that I can eat sheep and goat cheese. I have wanted to make my own cheese ever since reading about author, Barbara Kingsolver’s, own lactose intolerance and cheesemaking in Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life. Exciting stuff, huh? Well, you try not eating…

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An Interview with Sarai Mitnick of Colette Patterns

https://someawesomeminecraft.com/2024/05/13/kmeq4fgsl6 The The Colette Sewing Handbook played a huge part in me learning how to sew. The first three garments I ever made were the first three patterns in the handbook, the Meringue skirt, Pastille dress and Truffle dress. Colette Patterns are some of my favorite to sew. They are everything I want in a pattern; vintage inspired, yet contemporary, stylish, cute and…

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Guest Post by Sarah: Salted Rosemary Bread

here Let me start by saying that I don’t bake. I don’t bake because I don’t enjoy baking. Every so often I’ll get a bug up my butt to try to bake something, and I will earnestly tie on my apron and toil away doing whatever string of precise and boring-ass steps are required. Halfway through I think to myself, “Oh…

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Super Simple Pea Trellis

https://dentaris-sa.com/2024/05/13/cirmhq68kkx This pea trellis is so simple it is almost ridiculous that I am even posting about it, but it is the one I always do, so here it is. SUPPLIES: trellis netting- the larger size, so I get the 5′ x15′ wooden garden stakes- pack of six, six feet tall staple gun with 1/4″ 6mm staples INSTRUCTIONS:  1. Put stakes…


Maple Blossom Fritters

https://www.vertaglia.com/0b2s9vi3 Ever since Flower went foraging for nettles, I have been intrigued by the idea of foraging. For awhile now, I have been hearing of people foraging for mushrooms and for all sorts of wild greens, even within the city limits. My friend Cara is the expert on foraging and I have been wanting to go mushroom foraging with her for…

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Portland Blogcademy Recap

https://www.jacobysaustin.com/2024/05/q75dhuaf If you follow me on social media at all, you have probably already seen a lot of photos from my weekend at the Blogcademy in Portland. I couldn’t wait to share them! But if you want to know how my weekend went and what the Blogcademy was like, read on! Blogcademy is a two day blogging workshop taught by Kat…

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March Cook the Books: Good Fish- Hangtown Fry!

follow The March cookbook, for the Cook the Books cookbook challenge (hosted by Meg of Grow and Resist and Oh Briggsy), is Good Fish: Sustainable Seafood Recipes from the Pacific Coast by Becky Selengut. Becky is from Seattle, used to work at the Herbfarm and I think she should be my friend. She also has a podcast that I have become hooked…


5 tips for Overcoming Being Overwhelmed by the Garden

Buy Xanax From China photo by Amy Kiel With the arrival of Spring, and the official start of gardening season, I thought I would welcome in the new season, by talking about something that I experience every year around this time. No matter how diligently I put my garden to bed in the Winter, I always walk out to a yard that overwhelms me in…

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