Canning Season! Without even realizing it, and due to my little urban farm, I have adopted the age old farmer’s routine. Spring and Summer are the planting and growing season and late Summer/early Fall mark the time for harvesting and preserving. Fortunately for me, I like this kind of structure and dependable repetition, so it suits me just fine. I preserve food…

Mustard Green and Potato Casserole

see We have been harvesting tons of food. Okay, well not literal tons, but I have been keeping track and as of today, we have harvested over 100 lbs. of food! That sounds like quite a bit, right? Don’t worry though, we’ve been sharing. In fact, here is a little recipe and photo story about just that. A lot of the…

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Harvesting Garlic

enter site Matt and I love garlic. We put it in everything. Last year I grew garlic for the first time and cured it in the basement for a couple of weeks and then made a braid of about 13 of the heads. I then hung the braid on my baker’s rack, thinking it would last us awhile. We went through it…

Ode to Summer Stir-Fry

Buy Xanax And Valium Online Oh Stir-fry. You are this gardener’s staple meal. I don’t think I made a lot of stir-fry before I grew my own vegetables. Now I make it a lot in the Summer, because I can throw whatever I have ready in the garden, into the wok, and end up with an amazing meal full of the fresh-from-the-garden flavor! The star…

Farmy photo shoot!

go here I am usually the one taking the pictures, so I am rarely in them. That said, I am so excited to have some pictures of myself doing the things I love; working in the garden and in my sewing room. Thank you to Amy Kiel of Amy Kiel Photography for coming over on a sprinkly Seattle day to photograph me in…

Chicken Shit Bingo All good things seem to come from Austin, TX.  I love that city and I used to go there a lot. Seattle and Austin are like sister cities. It’s one of my favorite places for so many reasons. Modern day Flat Track Roller Derby was born in Austin as the Texas Rollergirls. TXRG is the league that helped the Rat City Rollergirls get their start, but that’s another…

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Palette Challenge- Completed Crepe Dress Okay, so I realize that the Colette Patterns 2012 Spring/SummerPalette Challenge ended ages ago, but I did start this dress within the window (and I finished it June 30th and am just now blogging about it), so I am still going to consider this dress part of this challenge. I got two out of three of my projects completed. That’s not…

Pink-errific Bias Cut Renfrew Top! Catching up on posts, catching up on posts (sung in sing song-y voice)…yeah! I’ve been making lots and posting nothing! So I have a backlog! I think it was one of the first days that we knew that my mom was in the clear, that I took my long awaited Sewaholic “Renfrew” class at Made Sewing Studio. Since I had…

Chicken Coop and Urban Farm Tour

source url Seattle Tilth’s Chicken Coop and Urban Farm tour is next Saturday, July 14th from 10am to 4pm and I am a host! There are over 50 urban farms on the tour that are showcasing veggie gardens, chickens, goats, bees and more! Buy your tickets from Brown Paper Tickets and get the map. Come see me and my garden and as many of…

Gardening… and life and death. Let me start by saying, my mom is alive and doing well. We did have a hospital scare last week, that had me fretting, missing work (and some blog posting) and thinking a lot about this new phase of life us mid to late thirty-somethings seem to be heading into. Mom and I, when I was around 12 or 13.…