Garden Planning- Helpful Lists: Seed Varieties seed_varieties-021

go to link Last week, I shared my list of important planting times. Now, I’d like to share with you my list of seed varieties*.

source site I like to try new varieties, but if I find something I like, that grows well here in Seattle, I will buy it year after year. Below is my list of go-to varieties that I have found are very tasty, and perform well, in my climate. Beets
Early Wonder
Chiogga- these are the cool looking striped ones, I am always talking about, that taste so good! Broccoli
Thompson- nice big heads and high yields.

see url Carrots
Bolero, Purple Haze

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Derby Day

see Lettuce
I don’t know if there are really any lettuces that won’t grow well in Seattle, but here are some of my favorites; Green Deer Tongue (loose-leaf), New Red Fire (loose-leaf), Mascara (loose-leaf), Devils Tongue (romaine), Drunken Woman Frizzy Head (butterhead), Buttercrunch (butterhead). The names alone are so great.

get link Mustard
Green Wave

go Peas
Sugar Snap

follow site Pole Beans
Blue Lake Pole- good canning size. Potatoes
It says Bintje in the photo above, but my new fave is Yukon Gold. Radishes
French Breakfast Spinach
Olympia Swiss Chard
Bright Lights Zucchini
Black Beauty

Purchase Tramadol Overnight *These are just the seed varieties I like. I buy my warm season crops as starts at the Seattle Tilth May plant sale. That is why I have not listed any tomato, eggplant, squash or pepper varieties, since I buy them as starts later in the year. I do have some favorite tomato varieties. For example, Sungolds are the best cherry tomatoes and taste like candy. I’ll do a post about that when the time comes. I often just pick those varieties based on the descriptions in their veggie list and what is left. Stuff goes fast there! If you are looking to order any of these, Organic Gardening Magazine just posted a really great list of their favorite seed catalogs.

enter site Do you guys have any seed varieties that you love? Am I missing out on anything? I love kale, but don’t have a favorite variety yet, so I would love a recommendation!

6 thoughts on “Garden Planning- Helpful Lists: Seed Varieties

  1. go to site If you have the light, pumpkins do well, too. The little sugar pie ones. Hey when do you plant outdoors? Last year I tried in April and had mixed results.

    1. follow url I have tried several seeds from Seattle Seeds and been really happy! Good germination on everything and also it felt like there was a real human touch. My order had a hand-written thank you note, an one time I emailed them a question they got back to me right away. woohoo! Good service always wins me over.

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