Me-Made-May ’15 Recap Hi strangers! Here is my slightly belated Me-Made-May ’15 recap! I sort of half assedly participated in this year’s Me-Made-May. So half assedly, that I never even really announced that I was doing it. So the least I can do is a little recap! In case you don’t know what Me-Made-May is, it’s something Zoe from the blog So Zo’…

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Colette Patterns Moneta “Kentucky Derby” Dress I recently made my first Colette Patterns Moneta dress and I can see why the blogisphere is abuzz about it. I made mine out of this fun “horse and jockey” vintage knit fabric that was in my stash (courtesy of Flower). It still had the dollar price tag on it from Goodwill. I made version 1 with the roll collar from the…

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Ukulele Fun!-damentals Recap and Recital Video So many great experiences start as a gift from my husband; the first one being the sewing machine he got me three years ago, that started my garment sewing obsession. I had off-handedly mentioned to Matt that I was interested in learning how to play the ukulele. One reason was that two of my all time favorite bands have ukulele in them:…

Gray Cabled Mitts

watch I would think that no one wants to read about hand knit winter wear in the middle of April, if my knitting night wasn’t still packed full of knitters every week. Apparently, knitting is a year round activity. So I won’t apologize for sharing my gray cabled mitts (that I finished in February) with you now. The pattern was another…

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Wardrobe Architect 2015- March: Planning my Sewing Since we cleaned out our closets last month, this month’s Wardrobe Architect goal was to find the holes in our wardrobes and plan what we are going to sew. I’m adding an additional challenge to that; to use fabric and patterns I already have. As a result, there will still be some holes in my wardrobe, but at least I…


5 Trellis Ideas for Vining Vegetables When I first started gardening, one of the things I struggled with was trellising. I was unfamiliar with the different climbing habits of vining vegetables, so I was intimidated by plants that needed trellising. Did what I was planting need a trellis and if so, what kind? There are many trellis options and the things to think about are how…

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Robot Dog Sweater

go here The pattern is the “Robo Dog Coat” from the book Knits of Tomorrow: Toys and Accessories for your Retro-Future Needs and was originally knit for my mother’s dog Mickey. Sadly, Mickey passed away before I was able to finish it, but I was able to give it to an adorable little Dachshund mix named Junebug and it fits her perfectly! All the details are on my…

Wardrobe Architect 2015- February: Cleaning Out My Closet

Buy Liquid Xanax Online In continuing with the Wardrobe Architect series, February’s challenge was to clean out our closets. There has been some interesting discussion, related to this month’s topic, about minimalism. I love what Jacqui from the blog Birds of Thread had to say about it. Like Jacqui, I grew up collecting things. As a child, I always wanted the doll that had a million accessories. As a…

Matt’s Birthday Negroni Shirt

Order Fake Xanax Once again, I have been a bit absent on this blog lately. Between ukulele lessons on Tuesday nights (plus practice throughout the week) and my knitting group on Wednesday nights and then trying to get some exercise occasionally and balance family life (in-laws were in town, Matt turned 40), I have been BUSY! 2015 is shaping up to be an…

Ninja Shirt for Owen

Buy Diazepam 20 Mg Uk The holidays are over and it’s back to reality. It means I get to finally share the gifts I made though. Actually it’s just gift singular this year, as I only made one thing to give away: a ninja shirt for my nephew! Pattern-  Camp Shirt from One-Yard Wonders– Can be made in sizes 2T-4T. My nephew is about 18 months old, so I…