Bachelorette Party Weekend

go site T-minus 12 weeks until my wedding! Since our wedding is in Vermont, we live in Seattle and we have friends coming from out of state, Matt and I decided to have our bachelor and bachelorette parties early, to break up the traveling people have to do. Plus, it is nice in the Northwest this time of year. Matt had his in Portland, OR and mine was in Cle Elum, WA. Yes, we both had party “weekends”. His was 4 days and mine was 3! Hey, we don’t get out of town often and neither do some of our friends (with kids), so I think everyone involved was happy to get out of town. Lucky for me, my maid of honor (Flower- also a contributor on this blog) knows me well and knew exactly the type of weekend get-away I would like.  Boy did she deliver.

Photos were presented to me, at the end of the weekend, in this treasure of a book!

Tramadol Cod Online bachelorette_party-002 We stayed in this beautiful house in S. Cle Elum on 3 acres, with a hot tub and sweeping views of the mountains and rolling hills. I was in heaven the minute I walked in.

see url bachelorette_party-003 The first night we just relaxed and made a delicious dinner or I should say, my friends all made me a delicious dinner. They wouldn’t even let me near the kitchen to help!

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here The next morning, breakfast was cooked (no lifting a finger allowed again) and then we headed to town for some good ol’ Cle Elum yard saling! Our very first stop just happened to be the home of a quilter, who was selling gobs of amazing vintage fabric from the 40s on up, for just a buck a yard. I bought an awesome 70s blue knit fabric, with snowflake stripes on it, that will make a perfect long sleeve Renfrew. I also bought several yards of a beautiful light cotton fabric with blue birds on it, that would make a great shirtdress. I think I got 10 yards of fabric for just $10! bachelorette_party-005 We ate a late lunch in town (complete with Bloody Mary’s) and then headed into Roslyn for some horseback riding! bachelorette_party-006

go site I loved, loved, loved going horseback riding. I have a vague memory of going horseback riding when I was a kid, but I know I haven’t done it as an adult, so this was a real treat.


My horse was named Goliath and I kept talking to him like a dog and petting his neck, but he was a good boy. I had no idea what I was doing, but he was very responsive to my commands. I barely had to pull the reigns to the left, right or back and he complied. The horses mostly just followed each other and the views were amazing. A couple of times though, when he would go into a trot to catch up with the horse ahead, I got a little taste of what it must be like to be on a galloping horse. I can only imagine, and you would have to know what you are doing, but I bet it feels great. I want to do it again!


It’s amazing how sore you can get just from sitting on a horse for a couple of hours! After horseback riding, we headed back to the house for (you guessed it) more delicious food!


No bachelorette party is complete without a tiara and a dance party, so that is exactly what I got.


We might have even taken the dance party out into the field at some point. Somebody brought some glow sticks, so how could we resist?


We literally danced the night away. Where I found all that energy, I have no idea, but it felt so good to be with friends and celebrating, so I didn’t want it to end.


All this seems like enough, right? But wait there’s more! I knew we were planning a visit to a spa on our way out the next day, but I had no idea what was in store for me. I got an 80-minute massage (the best one I have ever had in my life), a facial and a mani-pedi. I have had all those things separately before, but not very often and never all at once! When I was finished being pampered, I joined the rest of the ladies out in the sun, by the pools, where we soaked until they had to kick us out because they were closing.

My maid of honor and my friends really out-did themselves. I have the best group of friends a girl could want and I am so lucky to have them all in my life. Thank you everyone. It really was the best weekend ever!

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