I know, I know, I need to stop screwing around and start working on my wedding dress (and I have since I made this), but it was for my good friend Val’s birthday and I had bought the fabric for her ages ago, so I had to make this. Plus it was a quick make, so there.
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enter The pattern is the Folklore Bag from One-Yard Wonders. I have gotten my mileage out of that book!
Buy Genuine Valium Online Uk Surprisingly, I haven’t made a lot of bags. I think the first and last bag I made was in home ec in elementary school. I made a monogrammed duffel bag (sans zipper) and I still have it! Anyway, I love the details on the Folklore Bag, like the pleating, the pocket and the magnetic snap. I think they make it feel fancier than your average handmade bag and it was enough to keep me entertained while making it. Where To Get Tramadol Online The pattern has you make the strap out of the main fabric, but since I was cutting the fabric to strategically feature the owls, I wasn’t going to have enough fabric for that. I’m kind of glad I didn’t, because I like the orange strap material I got for it. I think it would have been too busy with the owl print for the strap. Plus, once it was all folded and sewn, it would have obscured the large pattern too much.
here Order Valium Online CodHow To Order Valium Online I bought a matching acorn print for the lining. Isn’t it cute? I think it made for the perfect lining fabric. I toyed with the idea of using the lining fabric for the strap, but was still liking the orange strap, so I went with that. I’m glad I did and really love how this turned out. I know I am happy with something I made for a gift when I wish I could keep it. I am going to have to make one of these for myself someday!
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Order Tramadol Online Us Oh my god, this is so adorable!! Love the bag
Buy Diazepam Online Canada Have you tried iron on vinyl? Such a cool product. Turns fabric like those owls into super owls!
go Can you tell me the brand name of the owl fabric?
Cheap Tramadol Mastercard It’s Michael Miller and I got it at the West Seattle Fabric Company.
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